Lesson Plan 5

Title: Grandparent Day Invitations

By: Danelle Keninger

Grade Level: 5th








Activities: The students will design an invitation to send to the grandparent who has helped them with this project inviting that grandparent to spend part of the day with their grandchild at school.  The students will first make a rough draft of the invitation, stating when, where, any why they are inviting them, the invitation will also ask that the grandparent RSVP so that an exact number is known for school lunch purposes. While at school the student will share their essay, poem, and family tree with the grandparent.  Students and grandparents will also be encouraged to read with each other and take part in other classroom activities.  To end the day the grandparent will be invited to eat lunch with their grandchild.

Objectives: This lesson allows the students to be creative and use their computer skills to design an actual invitation to be mailed to their grandparent.  By concluding our unit with inviting the grandparents to attend school for part of a day allows the students to show off their completed work and also show their grandparent school and allow their grandparent to see what they do in school.  I think this is an excellent way of getting grandparents to appreciate the school and how hard their grandchild worked on the project.