Management Plan

        Throughout my years at Dakota State University I have had the opportunity to observe in many different classrooms.  With this opportunity I also have been able to observe many different types of discipline.  Some of the teachers I have observed under used the asserted discipline method I learned during Classroom Management while others just threatened the students over and over again, but actually never punished the child.  Others just reminded the class over and over again what they did wrong and never used any means of discipline.  I have never really thought of how I would discipline my class before I took this class.  I definitely know it is an important part of having a successful classroom environment.

            I have learned that these methods of teaching do not always prove effective, and when I often helped in the classroom I used a non assertive method of discipline, obviously I felt like the students were awful and were just acting this way because I was new.   I now know this is not true, I want to be an assertive teacher by taking classroom management I have learned how important it is to be an assertive teacher and how much more effective the assertive style of discipline is.  I agree with Curwin and Mendler that the tow main components of discipline with dignity are: 1) treat each student with dignity and 2) Control your decisions.  Each student chooses his or her discipline, as we discussed throughout this class each and every student has the choice to act up and eventually receive punishment.

When I created my classroom management plan I focused on the lower elementary grades because ideally I would like to teach k-2.  The first step of my classroom management plan is to establish classroom rules.  I feel this must be done in the early part of the school year.  By establishing these rules early in the school year and enforcing each rule the school year will run much smoother.  In my classroom I will have four rules they will be as follows:  10n follow directions 20 keep hands, feet and objects to yourself 30 No teasing, swearing, or obscene gestures and 40 no severe behavior.  I feel that these four rules cover basically any misbehavior in the classroom and there will be no confusion when enforcing each rule.  When I teach these rules to my classroom I will only focus on one rule at a time often it is hard for young students to grasp too much at once and since in my classroom the rules must be obeyed I want the students to know and understand each rule thoroughly.  I may have to use pictures or role-playing for the students to understand what each rules means.  I tried to keep the rules as simple and brief so they were easy to remember and understand.

            I know that there may be various roadblocks that I will have to solve these can include: emotional problems, parenting, peer pressure, special needs, and organic problems.  I must remember that all students can behave and understand that my normal methods of teaching and discipline may not work for all students.  I must also recognize that I have the right to set limits and the students need these limits, I also have the right to ask for help this can be form the principal, colleagues or the child’s parents.  I also must remember that some students require additional motivators and raising my positive expectations is a key component in being assertive.

            In my classroom while I am teaching I must remember in order to be effective I must 1) give directions 2) reinforce at least two students who are complying and 3) be specific, state names and restate the direction.  In my classroom I will give specific directions for various classroom activities, I cannot assume that the students know what I want them to do.  This causes confusions and allows the students to misbehave.  When teaching directions I will first explain the reason for the particular direction, ask questions or have the students ask question, explain the direction and then check for understanding.  Reviewing each rule throughout the beginning of the school year is key to understanding by the students.

            The next part of my classroom management plan is the difficult part, know one likes to discipline, but it must be done.  Throughout this class I learned various guidelines for discipline I will briefly touch on a few.  The consequence must be something the student does not like, it must not violate school policy, the student chooses the consequence, and consequences must be administered immediately.  Along with these guidelines I must choose consequences I feel comfortable with, stay clam, and identify the consequences to the students.  The author of the book “Assertive discipline  “states when the disruptive behavior occurs you must be prepared to deal with it calmly and quickly.”  I think this is an excellent quote and will definitely live by it when I am disciplining.  The following is an example of my discipline hierarchy:

1. Name in book          Warning

2. Name                       3 min. in at recess

3. Name                       3 min in another recess

4. Name                       Call parents

5. Name                       Send to principal

Severe Behavior           Send to Principal immediately

I will use this hierarchy in my classroom for discipline I will also use the broken record techniques I feel that these methods are simple and easy for the students to understand.  I must remember to explain to the students which rule they broke and the consequence that will result of the student breaking the rule. 

            In my classroom I may also use techniques that are helpful in getting students back on task, these include: 1) the look 2) Physical proximity 3) saying the students name and 4) praising others for being on task.  Sometimes the students just need to know that you care, before disciplining these behaviors I will talk to the student and let them have the opportunity to ell me what is causing this particular behavior.  In my classroom I fell that consistency is a key component to a successful discipline plan.

            Next is the good part, rewarding the students for good behavior.  This is the highlight of teaching.  Everyone loves to be praise especially young students and their parents.  Positive recognition is a teacher’s key to motivating students to succeed.  Praise must be consistent and follow the behavior as does discipline. Positive recognition must be sincere and meaningful and will be the most active part of my classroom.  There are many results of positive reinforcement. They include:  encourage kids to continue appropriate behavior, increase student’s self-esteem, reduce problem behaviors, create a positive environment for your classroom, help teach appropriate behaviors, and establish positive relationships with the students.

  Simple rewards such as positive notes to parents, certificates for good behavior, extra time at recess, selected participation in specific activities, and tangible rewards.  I will send a specific number of positive notes home each week, this is quick and easy and it often results in positive behavior by the students in the future.  Another positive reward is time at the computer or chalkboard, ex:  "Mary and Johnny may go to the board and write because they did not violate any rules this morning.” 

            In my classroom I will have my assertive discipline plan laminated and place in the room so all of the students can see it and are aware of the consequences and rewards.  I will also teach my classroom management plans to my students.  I want my class to learn to behave just like I want the students to learn academic skills.  There are seven basic steps to teaching classroom discipline in which I will use 1. Explain why you need rules, 2. Teach the Rules, 3. Check for understanding, 4. Explain how you will reinforce students who follow the rules, 5. Explain why you have consequences, 6. Teach the consequences, and 7. Check for understanding.

   I hope that in my classroom I will have faculty, administration and parent support, these are all essential to a successful class.  I realize that communication is a clear and essential part in my discipline plan; therefore I plan to send letter to the parent or parents explaining my assertive discipline plan and allow for comments or suggestions.   During Classroom management I learned many helpful hints in order for my discipline plan to work I will keep all of these ideas in mind and also be open to suggestions from parents and faculty.  I look forward to my first teaching job.  With a well behaved class my teaching experience will be a lot more fun and the school year will run much smoother, not only for me be for all of the students. 

          I briefly touched on my classroom management plan, I understand that this plan may not work with all students, therefore I may have to make accommodations.  If I stick to my plan and clearly explain it to the students they will comply and understand that the student chooses their consequence.  Often the student feels they are being punished unfairly, but with my classroom management plan the student has the choice.