1036 N. Lincoln #3
Madison, SD 57042
April 29, 2002
Mr. John Doe
Anywhere School District
543 Red Street
Anywhere, SD 00000
Dear Mr. Doe:
I would like to express my interest in the 4th grade elementary
position. I was informed of the
position after reading the April 21st position of the Argus leader.
I will be graduating in May from Dakota State University with a degree in Elementary Education and Special Learning and Behavior Problems. In conjunction with my major, I will also be receiving a K-12 Computer Education and Coaching endorsements. I would also welcome the opportunity to accept any extra duties for which I am qualified.
I recently finished my student teaching in Howard, SD. I was placed in the elementary special education room for eight weeks and respectively completed eight weeks in a 6th grade classroom, and I thoroughly enjoyed my student teaching experience.
After completing my post secondary education in South Dakota and loving the area, staying in the area is very important to me. Therefore, I have enclosed a copy of my resume and am sending a copy of my credential file. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the position at Anywhere School. If you have any questions about my qualifications, please contact me at the address or phone number below at your convenience.
Danelle Keninger
1036 N. Lincoln Apt. 3
Madison, SD 57042
(605) 256-9497