Dakota State University

College of Education


Name: Danelle Keninger

Grade level: 2nd

School: Wherever



Background, Context, and Purpose :

Lesson Goals:

(Curriculum/ standards based)

  The students will be able to create and develop a unique Thanksgiving meal and the students will use their artistic ability and imagination when making their own paper turkey.

Lesson Objectives: (measurable performance)

 Students will be creative when making their turkey.

Students will follow simple directions explained by the teacher and written on the board.

Students will use their best listening skills when teacher is reading the story. 

Materials Needed:

construction paper (brown, 3 different colors for feathers, body)




3x5 notecards

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction ( getting attention, relating to past experience and or knowledge, creating a need to know, sharing objective, in general terms.)

Ask the student what holiday is coming up and what they are doing for Thanksgiving.  Ask the students what is traditionally ate at Thanksgiving dinner.  

2. Methods (include adaptations and extensions for different needs of learners)

* Begin by reading the story Silly Trilly's Thanksgiving Dinner or Twas the Night before Thanksgiving.

* Discuss the book with the class and have the students write on a 3x5 card what they would have at their thanksgiving dinner if they could have anything to eat.

* Write steps for making paper turkey on board, placing the materials for each by the steps.

* Show the class the completed project

* Children will construct their own turkey by following each direction written on the board

* Choose students to go to the front of the room and show their completed project and say what they would have at their Thanksgiving dinner. 

* If child has difficulty with cutting I will have some pieces cut in advance for child to use.

3. Closure  (providing students with opportunities to reflect and express what they are learning)

Have the students talk about Thanksgiving, what it means to them and the history of Thanksgiving along with sharing their final projects.

B. Assessments Used

Assessments (in introduction, lesson development, or summative assessment)

Observational assessment- observe how well the students follow directions, use creativity, and present to class.

C. Extensions and Adaptations 

(Ideas for enrichment and adaptations)

Students can write a poem about thanksgiving instead of their ideal meal

Students can write a thanksgiving short story.

Can use different themes for different holidays  


(A bibliography listing works which might be consulted for additional information)